
To getting nowhere fast

...which is different than no where at all.

i rush to stand still at the next corner cuz i can't wait to cross the street
like 30 blocks ahead of my feet. that's neat right.
nah. like the folks who accelerate to red lights.
where's the what for? & how's the which way?
today's just long as hell and still moving.
briskly. like this rain. how much water can fall on one city these late night hours??
i'm grateful for couches of convenience and comfort tonight
after spending the entire day tucking myself in only to pull everything out.
hit "repeat" if the song fits the moment.
instead i'm tempted to hold it in, you know, avoid this back and forth.
but folks keep pushing on my skin. so it begins again -
a social nicety - tucking, putting, smoothing, zipping, checking
my collar before i open the door.
no one saw me, right?

except me. and noticing nothing pointed my way. so,
back to front.front to back.getting no where fast.i cannot tell my own face from my ass.
but maybe in the end i've changed ground. too busy with the buttons to notice.

what's funny tho, is i started out feeling like i had this game. must be that some folks just punch hard.